A few weekends ago I visited the lavender farms in Sequim. I first heard about this region growing lavender during Lavender Festival several years ago while stuck in the festival traffic on the way to Port Ludlow. Thankfully this time I was back before the festival and with absolutely no traffic.
On Travel // From Seattle, I took the Bainbridge Island Ferry and drove about 2 and 1/2 hours to get to Sequim. Outside of the Lavender Festival, most farms are open to the public for cutting and photography during the months of June to August. You can also bike from farm to farm and have a picnic somewhere in between which sounded completely romantic to me. However, when I arrived at my first farm around 11am it was a already close to 100 degree and unbearable to be in direct sunlight. I scratch that idea off real quick.
On Photography // The first farm I decided to visit was Jardin du Soleil. Yes, the french name had a great influence on first choice. I've always wanted to visit the lavender fields in Provence and hope to someday. So when I got to the Jardin du Soleil there were a handful of people and a million bees. I had with me my Hasselblad with a 80mm lens. As I made my way through the garden, all I heard was the buzzing noise of the bees and the occasional loud shutter of my camera. I'm amazed at how quickly satisfied I am with shooting one roll of film. Of course I had several rolls of film with me as backup but only ended up using one roll of film which is all 12 frames you see here. I love how shooting film has made me slowed down and really think about the story I want to tell with each shutter. I have to make it count.
Sequim, WA 98382
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