Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Spring Time in Seattle
Happy Spring Seattleites! Yesterday we may have experienced our warmest day yet. The sun on my skin felt so good during my evening run last night. I wasn't sure if it was the runner's high or the OD in Vitamin D but as I was walking home I felt a sense of complete bliss and then I realized why: it's officially spring! The time of the year when the days hold more light, people come out of hibernating and a promise of outdoor adventures is in the air.
In celebration of spring in Seattle, here are a few photographs taken around the city with my Pentax. As the days are longer, the accentuation from the light has brought the city back to life and it's been wonderful to see and be a part of.
Saturday, April 25, 2015
Thoughts on Fear
I sit tense in my crammed seat peering outside of my window not noticing the tight grip I have on my beau's hand. He gives my hand a squeeze, "It's okay," he assures me, "It's just a little turbulence." I easy up on my grip, smile back at him and take a deep breath as I try to relax.
Typically I am shutter happy hogging the window casting dancing shadows onto my beau however when it comes to turbulence, I fall silent observing the scenery outside my window while I feel my fear. I am uncomfortable with my lack of control but I am most afraid of my complete vulnerability. I have nowhere to run nowhere to hide leaving me with no choice but to face it: to feel my fear and overcome it. I take another deep breathe as I think of all the memories I've built with my beau through our travels, all the God created beauty of this earth I've been blessed to witness and all the sparkling cities which were once only fantasies in my mind I've gotten to experience. I would have never gotten the opportunity to see this beautiful world had I latch onto this fear of mine.
Often times if we can get past this moment the rewards waiting for us are completely worth it!
... But first we must allow ourselves to face our fears.
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Island Life: Oahu
Here's my mini travel guide to Oahu:
Where to Stay:
The Royal Hawaiian where upon arrival you're greeted with a flower lei.
Where to Eat:
Ramen Nakamura
Marukame Udon
Eggs N Things
Hula Grill for the sunset view
Leonard's Bakery
Things to Do:
Sunset Yoga on Waikiki
Dole Pineapple Plantation
Snorkle at Hanauma Bay
Hike Diamond Head for the view
Drive around the island
Shop at Ala Moana Center
What are your recommendations?
Monday, April 20, 2015
Hawaii on Hasselblad
In March, my beau and I took a trip to Hawaii to celebrate our anniversary. It's insane how in a blink of an eye, four years has gone by! I'll share more on the details of our trip but for now here's a roll of film I took on my new lover, my Hasselblad. It was gifted to me by my beau this past Christmas after years of lusting over this beauty and renting it at Glazer's to the point where the people knew my name and why I was calling. No shame in being in love around here!
We stayed at the beautiful Royal Hawaii on Waikiki and on this magnificent morning I walked around the hotel and beach with my Hasselblad and my thoughts. I wanted to capture the details of the moment; the sound of the calming ocean, the wind in the palm trees and the emptiness of the beach and hotel moments before tourists like myself absorbs it all.
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
Pappardelle Bolognese
By now you know how much I love going to Tavolata and it's mainly because I love their pappardelle! Oh man, it is so yummy! I try hard not to embarrass my beau by refrain myself from licking my entire bowl clean. It's just so good!
I don't like putting all my eggs in one basket by solely depending on Tavolata to satisfy my pappardelle cravings so over the past few months I've been working on perfecting my own recipe. Although it doesn't taste as awesome as Tavolata's (but how can anyone's compare really), it sure is a life savor when I'm craving it.
Here's the recipe for my memory sake and if you'd like to try it:
Pappardelle Bolognese
the ingredients:
- - 1 box of Community Grains Pappardelle Pasta OR 1 package of Cucina Fresca Pappardelle Pasta (this one is my favorite)
- - 1 lb of ground mild Italian pork sausage
- - 1 can of diced tomatoes with garlic and basil
- - 1 tomato
- - 1/2 an onion
- - 3 fresh bay leaves
- - A teaspoon of fresh thyme
- - A teaspoon of Olive oil
- - Salt and Pepper
the cooking directions:
- - Boil the pappardelle to your liking.
- - Fry the ground pork in the olive oil. When lightly brown add the onion and tomatoes.
- - Add the can of dice tomatoes, salt and pepper, bay leaves and thyme and let it simmer until most of the liquid from the tomatoes have evaporated (sorry, that's the best I can explain it).
- - Add the pappardelle into the pot and add extra olive oil if you like. I notice if my noodles stick together doing this tends to loosen them up.
Voila!!! You should have a delicious pot of Pappardelle Bolognese!
Monday, April 13, 2015
Enjoy Your Own Company

I spent my entire Sunday alone, something I haven't done in years. It feels so much different now than it did when I was in my twenties. Of course so much of my life has changed within the last few years even the plates which I had breakfast on this morning are different. But this 'different' is good. It comes from a place of security within myself and my own thoughts whereas before when I was alone I often felt nostalgic and lonely.
- - J and I picked up calligraphy and are on our last week of class. I'm going to need 10,000 hours to get close to my idea of wedding invitation quality.
- - My beau is currently away on vacation without me and I miss him terribly.
- - I tried something different for the first time this weekend: ceramic painting and I really enjoyed it.
- - I've been feeling the need for community lately and joined The Crave Project. You can see my list of 100 Things I Crave on my pinterest board.