Monday, March 30, 2015

Three Things at Brunch

a fresh pot of french pressed coffee for two; me and my beau. 
tilikum cafe

hot savory baby dutch with warm syrup.
tilikum cafe

the light.
tilikum cafe

Tilikum Place Cafe
407 Cedar Street
Seattle, WA 98121

... and another time I was there.

Saturday, March 28, 2015



  • - This picture pretty much sums up what I've been up to: playing maid of honor and bridesmaid for Jodie and Mailee's wedding. 
  • - In between that I'm squeezing in hot yoga, spending time with my beau, looking for bridesmaid dresses and some blogging. Yay! Notice my consistency this week with blogging. ;) 
  • - Oh speaking of hot yoga, I desperately need a cut and color but I'm holding off because I hate having my hair too short to put up while I'm sweating. Is that TMI?
  • - Quarter end has been tough for me at work as I'm leading many projects but I'm powering through it. 
  • - I'm anxiously waiting my for my Hawaii scans to come back from the lab. The suspense is killing me! 
  • - Which reminds me, if you've been following my instagram you'll noticed I just got back from a nice long vacay with lots of r&r! 

Wednesday, March 25, 2015


I love it when people see the potential in Seattle especially when it comes to fashion. This past November I was invited to the opening of 8telier at Pacific Place where the owners, Jean and Craig Glover, who recently relocated from Manhattan, opened their doors to Seattleites. With a background in architecture, Jean's design are minimalist with a little edge, well made and functional. I was impressed when she explained to me how easy it is to care for one of her jackets. I've since been back to 8telier and each time Jean was on the *floor super friendly, talking to customers and excited about the clothes. It's a must see if you're in the area but you have to love the color black as much as I do!

*When I say floor, I mean sales floor. You know that right? ;)

8telier 8telier 8telier 8telier 8telier 8telier 8telier 8telier 8telier 8telier 8telier 8telier 8telier 8telier 8telier 8telier 8telier
Pacific Place (Level 1) 
 600 Pine St., Suite 120A 
 Seattle, WA 98101

All photos shot on Kodak tri-x 400 and pushed to 800. 

Monday, March 23, 2015

Drip City

This morning my head was foggy even after 9 hours of sleep. Oh Mondays, will you ever get easier? Thankfully I live in a city that loves its coffee and with that are some pretty awesome coffee shops. Lately I've been frequenting Drip City which has been convenient for me since I've changed jobs. I also love that during the winter my beau and I were able to watch a few Seahawks game here over a beer and grilled cheese sandwich (for him and for me) and a cup of Chai Tea with Mighty-O Chocolate Donuts! YUM! 

Drip City Drip City Drip City Drip City Drip City 
Drip City Coffee Co. 
2929 1st Ave
Seattle, WA 98121

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Diana in London

Diana in London Diana in London Diana in London Diana in London Diana in London Diana in London Diana in London Diana in London Diana in London Diana in London

It was fate that she and I would meet someday. my pretty Diana F+ that is. One Sunday afternoon I found her at the museum shop. There she was beautifully boxed up and on clearance! I was instantly in love with her and felt it was serendipity! That was almost two years ago. I don't bring her out enough to play but I did bring her to London with me. How appropriate right? Diana in London. She's light, travels easily, fun to shoot and always conversation starter for strangers and how can she not be? She's a Diana.

Midnight Flower Studies

love, youa love, youa love, youa love, youa love, youa

Post production is my least favorite part of the photography workflow which is also my primary excuse for not blogging as much as I would like. When I shoot, I usually don't have the end in mind. I just shoot what I see and feel within the moment. These roses were taken awhile back. I picked them apart to photograph right before I was going to throw them out. They were bright orange, vibrant and lush. I used the cushion to my leather couch as a backdrop (hey, you gotta get creative with what you've got right?). At the time I wanted to capture those details that made up how bright and beautiful these rose were but once I was in post production I couldn't do it justice so I dismissed them completely.

I was cleaning up my files tonight when I found them. I still think the way I tried editing them before wasn't the best so I started playing with it again. Now I think I have it down to a look that feels more... me. Of course the goal would be to work towards being able to execute my vision from the beginning to end... but what if that vision changes? It took me awhile to find what felt right, what felt like me and I guess that's why they say, 'it's the journey that counts.'