Brunch in this city is serious business. I’ve waited hours for brunch before, even having a meal elsewhere before actually sitting down to have brunch. Yes, I know that’s nuts. You’re probably thinking, ‘why not go home and throw your own damn eggs in a pan.’ I get it, it sounds simple enough to do but on my weekends I’m off duty so that means I don’t have to cook if I don’t want to (and when do I ever want to cook???), even if I wanted to try I wouldn’t be able to make what I was craving: Baked eggs, french toast, and biscuit with scrambled eggs! Yum yum!

It was no surprise to learn that we had to wait for a table when we arrived at Oddfellows. I love that place so I obediently nod in agreement when the hostess asked if we’d be willing to wait 20 minutes. I don’t tell Babe that, no I bribe him with a drink at the Little Oddfellows while we wait. Twenty minutes isn’t that bad I silently tell myself but it turns out that it is. It’s especially long when you’re trying to entertain someone while you’re caffeine free with an empty stomach.

I love the crowd and the layout at Oddfellows. Its open floor plan makes it feel like a cafeteria. Conversations are in full force making it difficult for our waitress to hear our order and at first I’m slightly irritated. Dang it people, I need my drip coffee and no I don’t need cream or sugar! But after the coffee comes I begin to lighten up and after the food comes the sound of chatter and clinking silverware becomes background noise as I immerse myself into my own conversation with Babe, almost matching the volume of others. This is brunch.
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