As a little girl, to compensate for the things I wish I had I would fantasize about them all day. The places I’d go, the things I’d have and the adventures I’d embark. Then I learned how to read and that took my imagination to another level. Stories I read painted more beautiful imagery in my mind fueling my imagination more so than ever.
Lately (although mostly all my life) I’ve been dreaming of Paris. A trip is in the works, yet I can’t wait to experience it myself. I’ve been reading the book, Lunch in Paris by Elizabeth Band and this spoke to me:
Europe had that effect on me, ever since I stepped off the plan for the first time in college. I felt more like myself here: as though my love of art and history was natural and my inability to name the latest rock band didn’t matter. In Paris, the past is always with you: you look at it, walk over it, sit on it. I had to stop myself from grabbing Gwendal’s arm as we walked up the narrow passage to the entrance: Pardon me, sir, I couldn’t help but notice; the cobblestones outside your door are older than my country. The idea thrilled me. I’ve always been a bit of an old-fashioned girl.
Image taken in Seattle on Kodak Porta 400 film.
Image taken in Seattle on Kodak Porta 400 film.
omgosh you are going to LOVE paris! seriously one of the most magical places I've ever been in the world!! i'll have to order that book on my nook :p thanks for the rec babes!