I have a real love and hate relationship with digital photography. I am going to sound completely dysfunctional when I blame my laziness on my digital camera as some people may think I was born that way which has a little truth to it... so I guess I should say it contributes to my laziness because I am more careless when I shoot. I get click happy and will snap away at trees to the street corner fire hydrant (okay, this hasn't happened.... yet). I think I can always take another photo if it doesn't turn out the way I like it... and then there's the editing part which I'm even more lazy at. I hate sitting at my computer filtering through hundreds of photos especially after a long day at the office. It's no fun. However, there is one thing I do love about digital photography and that is the instant gratification of seeing my images...these thoughts all came to me as I was looking through my photos from our weekend in Walla Walla for the Cayuse wine release party.
Last weekend we spent a few days in Walla Walla enjoying delicious wine, beautiful scenery and good food. For the sake of my memory, here's what we did...
stayed at the Marcus Whitman Hotel
had brunch at Bacon and Eggs
had far too many wine tastings at Cayuse, Otis Kenyon, Seven Hills, Waters, Beresan... and I can't remember the others...
enjoyed a romantic dinner at Brasserie Four and Whitehouse-Crawford
and walked around downtown Walla Walla...
The journey home was quite the adventure. I experienced my first ever sand storm. I laughed at how cute the tumbleweeds were rolling along the high way. I got to see beautiful big white snow flakes going through the pass and we drove through an area that must of had a million windmills which made me feel like I was in a Teletubbie episode...

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